Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Our specialized speech therapist will do a thorough evaluation to assess your child for the presence of a tongue thrust. Tongue thrust is the pushing of the tongue against the teeth while swallowing or at rest. According to research the average person swallows from 2,000 to 4,000 times a day and exerts as much as 6 pounds of pressure against the teeth each time. This can push the teeth out of line. The incorrect swallowing habit- constantly pushing against the teeth- makes it difficult or impossible to maintain the full orthodontic result when seeing an orthodontist. Tongue thrust frequently causes speech defects, particularly with the “s” sound. Sixty percent of tongue thrusters have a lisp which cannot be eliminated unless the individual receives therapy for the tongue thrust condition. We offer a 12 week orofacial therapy program, that if properly followed, will eliminate the incorrect swallowing pattern, as it has provided a dramatic and positive influence on patients treated. These kinds of results make it therapy that’s easy to swallow!


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