What is a visual schedule? A visual schedule is a collection of pictures and/or materials that visually represent and break down tasks into a sequence of activities. What is the purpose of a visual schedule? Visual schedules serve as a least restrictive option for prompting. It helps guide learners to be more independent. It may...

Tummy time is the time that baby spends awake on their belly. It is an important position for baby to begin soon after birth! Start with smaller increments, around 5 minutes 4-5 times per day. Eventually, baby should be spending at least 60 cumulative minutes in tummy time each day. Break this time up in...

What is sensory processing and why is it important? Sensory processing is our brain’s ability to retrieve, organize, and process information from all of our senses and turn it into useful information necessary for proper development. Early exposure of sensory input to all sensory systems (tactile, auditory, visual, oral, olfactory, vestibular, and proprioceptive) allows the...

What is a concussion? A concussion is an unpredictable injury to any area of the brain, resulting in immediate or delayed changes in the brain’s chemistry and function. Concussions occur with rapid movement changes or when the head is directly hit. Often seen in playground accidents, falls, motor vehicle collisions (whiplash), and contact sports such...

Stuttering Cluttering According to ASHA, stuttering is the disruption in the fluency of verbal expression characterized by involuntary, audible or silent, repetitions or prolongations of sounds of syllables. Types of Stuttering – Developmental- most common; occurs in young children while they are learning language – Neurogenic-caused by neurological disease or damage – Psychogenic- post-childhood following...